January 23, 2011

Quarter Life Crisis:

"A growing trend with this economy."

Is it really?

I don't think so.

Uncertainty has always existed among college students and recent graduates. It hasn't been a source of concern since it's viewed as a rite of passage. However, it's a major problem affecting the Y generation. As the world population grows, so does the number of graduates and as a result the competition for jobs is greater and greater. Add to the insecurities, the state of the national economy, where the unemployment rate is dangerously close to the double digits. That's correct. Almost 10% of the U.S. working population is unemployed. Have I mentioned that's just in the United States? The rest of the world is in critical condition. In Spain, the unemployment has long been in the double digits with no solution at hand. 

July 29, 2010


People like to say say that time flies. In reality, humans just reminisce about the past too much, carefully selecting which memories to keep about days that are long gone. We like to think as the past being easier, better, even less expensive but it is all because we managed to survive it; we got through it. The present is just a headache, full of uncertainty. one is stuck trying to figure out the future, making plans that are beyond ones control, working toward some sort of joy that will one day come. The past is comfort.